
Marc Le Rest

Marc Le Rest studied textile arts at the École supérieure des arts appliqués Duperré in Paris, France, and received his technical degree in 1990. As a freelance designer, he created textiles for Etro in Italy and fashion designs for Hermes in France. He was also a window stylist for Printemps Haussmann in Paris.

In 1993 Marc moved to New York, where he excelled as a textile designer for major studios such as Y and Y Cosmo Int’l, Hanover Direct, and Leo & Yosshi Atelier. He returned to Brittany in 2003, to focus on his art. His collection of illustrations, Délicieuses Obsèques, was published in April 2003, followed by Ballet de sorcières (2006) and Les Bistrots merveilleux (2007).

Remembered Light Pieces

Marc Le Rest


Follow Fred’s path through Europe and WWII history

Get a complete picture of the context of the McDonald Peace Windows, through the framework of Fred McDonald’s movement through Europe at the end of the war. Learn more about Fred, World War II history, and the sites he visited through this interactive chronological documentation of Fred’s journey.