Assorted Verdun, Shards

Fred’s Journey

Verdun France

September 4, 1944

In mid-September 1944, we entered Verdun. Verdun is a grim city that enshrines memories of Attila the Hun, and is the great fortress-battlefield of the First World War. This martyr-city of world war is soaked with the blood of nearly one million men who fought four years of conflict under various flags.

Artist’s Statement


  • Armelle Le Roux
  • Daniel Ziegler

While contemplating the city of Verdun as a shrine of World War I, Fred became a witness of his time by collecting a few slivers of glass. Fred’s journalistic memory of Verdun led me to create a fictitious newspaper. I imagined a scenario where he might have wrapped the shards in a local paper before transferring them in an envelope labeled with his mother’s name and address in Seattle. From being a witness he becomes a participant in the duty to remember what has happened and convey it to others.

Artist Information


Number of shards: 13
Dimensions: 29 5⁄8″ × 26 3⁄8″
Medium: silkscreened, fused and slumped glass on rosewood

History & Context

Fred talks about making the Verdun Piece