
Daniel Ziegler

Contact Details

(510) 541-1011

Daniel Ziegler has lived and worked as an artist and designer in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1977. In addition to print media, he has produced work in film and video, architectural signage, interactive media, and interface design. He currently works independently at his studio in Berkeley, California, producing graphic art for a wide range of clients, and teaching a class in design theory.

Daniel is a painter, a cartoonist, a husband and a dad. He holds a BFA degree from the Fine Arts Department of the University of California at Berkeley.


Remembered Light Pieces

Daniel Ziegler


Follow Fred’s path through Europe and WWII history

Get a complete picture of the context of the McDonald Peace Windows, through the framework of Fred McDonald’s movement through Europe at the end of the war. Learn more about Fred, World War II history, and the sites he visited through this interactive chronological documentation of Fred’s journey.