
Craig Clemens

Contact Details

Craig Clemens, Fauxreal
Oakland, California
(510) 839-6809

Craig Clemens received his BA and MFA from the California College of Arts and Crafts (CCAC) and has taught at various schools in the East Bay, including ten years at Holy Names College in Oakland. He has served as a board member of 510 Magazine, an arts and culture magazine focusing on East Bay artists, and has exhibited extensively at shows and galleries throughout California, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the San Francisco Art Institute, and the Oakland Museum.

Craig is the owner of Fauxreal, a faux-finishing business in which he restores woodgraining on metal dashboards of classic cars. He also lectures on his techniques and serves as a judge on several panels for classic automobile shows and concourses. He immortalized the hot rods of the 1950s “Dream Era” in an illustrated memoir.


Follow Fred’s path through Europe and WWII history

Get a complete picture of the context of the McDonald Peace Windows, through the framework of Fred McDonald’s movement through Europe at the end of the war. Learn more about Fred, World War II history, and the sites he visited through this interactive chronological documentation of Fred’s journey.