Fred’s Journey
Wiesbaden Germany
A nineteenth-century Duke of Hesse married a Russian princess of great beauty and charm. To make her happy in his own Martin Luther land, he built her a chapel of Eastern Orthodoxy. Bombs damaged the windows on the night of February 1st when a third of Weisbaden disappeared in twenty minutes time. This was the war’s only mark. A cleaning woman told me she was rushing to a shelter when a blast blew the child from her arms whom she never saw again.

Artist’s Statement
- Armelle Le Roux

Using the classic colors of medieval stained glass, this medallion juxtaposes the fairytale-like story about the duke and his Orthodox princess with the raw sorrow of a 20th century mother’s loss. By associating the romance and tragedy, and capturing this nameless woman forever reaching for something that cannot be attained or restored, I hoped to create a spiritual image.
When Fred first saw this piece, he became quite emotional. Later on he blessed it.
Artist Information
Armelle Le Roux
Atelier Le Roux
3246 Ettie Street
Studio 11 Oakland, CA 94608
Number of shards: 11
Dimensions: 16 1⁄4″ diameter
Medium: painted, stained, gilded and leaded blown and plate glass