St. John’s, Red Lion Square

Fred’s Journey

London England

This church, obliterated during the Battle of Britain in August 1940, was a favorite of high church Episcopalians from the Pacific Northwest. In 1933 I had worshipped there many times, a special wrench to find this favorite ‘Fortress of the Faith’ gone.

–Fred McDonald

Artist’s Statement


  • Armelle Le Roux

There were only five of these shards, and two were still embedded in the lead that holds stained-glass panes together. Fred kept the shards in an envelope he had picked up in the rubble of St. John’s. That envelope spoke of lighter times. The panel portrays the end of an era: a vanished church, a lost paradise. At top, the bomb-shaped leaded fragment threatens the pre-war lightness, while the bottom shard, shaped almost like a token or metro ticket, is an ominous mocking of normalcy.

Artist Information

  • Armelle Le Roux

    Atelier Le Roux
    3246 Ettie Street
    Studio 11 Oakland, CA 94608


Number of shards: 5 with some original lead and advertising envelope
Dimensions: 9¾” × 15¼”
Medium: painted and leaded

History & Context

Fred talks about the Church of St. John the Baptist